The second most commonly asked question I receive is... (yes, I said second...don't start questioning whether you remembered to take your Brain Boost today, and start looking for a previous post that answers the #1 question. It hasn't been posted yet. I'll get to the #1 question later on), "What products do you use?" Most people are surprised to hear that my arsenal is quite small. Although I firmly believe that all Isagenix products have their place, and are beneficial to our health, the fact of the matter is I'm a school teacher, a.k.a. practically on welfare. Although I've kind of become an "Isagenix Celebrity," I haven't made millions off of Isagenix (yet!), so I can only afford to use the basics. BUT... I tend to try to live by the saying "Quality not Quantity" anyway, and using the basics is what got me the results that everyone seems to be after, so I'm planning on sticking with them even after I surpass Jimmy and the Escobars in total earnings! *cough cough* That was a joke ;) So here they are, the products I use:
"The God Send"
I use Ionix everyday! It is like life support. One ounce fuels my 5am-1500 calorie workouts, keeps me awake for my 11 hour work days (thank you B vitamins), and keeps me from being incarcerated for physically harming my boss (gracias adaptogens). I totally feel the difference when I forget to use this, and my students notice too (mainly because they leave class with more bruises the days I neglect to shoot this cocktail down).
"The Daily Bread"
I have a shake every day that isn't a cleanse day. Let me repeat myself...I have A shake every day that isn't a cleanse day. The only time I have two shakes is when I am actually following a 9-day cleanse, which I think I did four during my whole 6 months of the Isabody challenge. I know that right now I probably have a bunch of people thinking, "This is blasphemous! Isagenix says to drink 2 shakes a day!" But let me remind you, my products haven't been being paid for. Am I against having two shakes a day? Heavens NO! But my bank balance currently is. However I can assure you, as soon as I have enough money on that Isagenix debit card of mine, I will be converting to two shakes a day. Shoot! I'd drink 5 shakes a day if I could afford it =) and that my friends, is not a joke :)
"The OxyClean" During the Isabody Challenge I was typically in "deep cleanse mode," which means I used the Cleanse for Life just how it is prescribed. I took 4 oz. four times daily. I say 'typically' because I didn't start the challenge in deep cleanse mode. I had been taking a lot of "synthetically manufactured supplements" (I'll let you figure out what that means, and if you can't, just message me on facebook and I will give you the straight up verbage) for a year and a half, and I had just had reconstructive surgery on my ankle, and an arthroscopic surgery on my knee (at the same time) just 2 months prior. My body was still swarmed with anesthesia and other toxic chemicals. Had I attempted to start the Isabody Challenge with a deep cleanse, I would have more or less gone into anaphylactic shock (that might be a slight exaggeration). For the first two weeks of the Isabody Challenge I followed more of a "maintenance" schedule. During those two weeks I drank 4 oz. of cleanse every morning. After that, my cleanse days were regular old "by the book" cleanse days. Nothing special.
"Scooby Snacks" A.k.a "Life Savers." I use scooby snacks on cleanse days, and 9-day system shake days. You're probably wondering by now, "What the hell is the difference in a shake day and a 9-day system shake day?!?" Sorry, you're going to have to wait til I post my 6-month schedule to get the details on that =( Anyway, back to the scooby snacks. On cleanse days, I follow the OOOOLD manual. I eat a scooby snack and 2 (okay let's be honest, 3) almonds every 90 minutes. When I'm doing a 9 days cleanse, I will eat about 6 scooby snacks on shake days. I don't use them any other time. They simply help me from having cravings and being tempted to cheat. They are the only thing I eat on cleanse days. I don't use any "negative calorie foods" or nuttin'!
"The Draino"
Anyone who has cleansed knows that the exodus of toxins is not always pleasant or "easy going." Our bodies have to work hard to get rid of toxins. Add in the amount of work required to repair itself after working out every morning, and its multi-tasking abilities freeze up fairly quickly. Isaflush is like the extra RAM (no pun intended...ok, maybe it was slightly intended) our bodies need to get rid of all that junk. I take 2 capsules at night, right before I go to bed, on cleanse days only. Wake up in the morning, *insert Plucky Duck voice here* "toxins go down the hoooooole!" **If you don't know who Plucky is, YouTube it...I strongly suggest you YouTube it =)**
"The 'all the things I would never take by themselves because they are disgusting' capsule"
How many of you can say that you have supplemented ACV (apple cider vinegar), cayenne pepper, or alfalfa in their raw forms? I for one, being the subservient guinea pig to Mr. Aaron Ogden that I am, have done so, and I was not a happy camper. I use this magic pill as prescribed--twice daily--when doing a 9-day system, and once in the morning on all other days. You might be wondering why I only took it once when I wasn't doing a 9-day system. The answer is quite simple you see...Isagenix hadn't released the Brain Boost when I did the Isabody challenge, and I have nagging teenagers desiring my undivided attention for the majority of the day, and I simply forgot to take the 2nd capsule when I was not intently focused on cleansing like I was during the 9-day systems. Now you might be asking, "well why don't you take 2 capsules now that you are using Brain Boost?" The reason for that my friends is that I haven't done a 9-day system since the challenge ended, so I simply haven't ordered any magic pills.
There you have it! All the products I used during my 6-month Isabody Challenge. Tune in to the next post (hopefully before next Sunday) to enjoy a day-by-day documentary of which days I actually used each product (cleanse/shake days) for 6 months. This is something you DON'T want to miss =)
Great explainations Tiff! I look forward to many more posts to come :) YOU ROCK!
Thanks Tiff! Your post was a true pleasure to read; a nice balance of Isagenix information and candid humor. Thank you for continuing to share so much of yourself and your experiences with us! Best Wishes!!
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